Join the Overseas Mission Experience!

“You must become someone who shines a light- not only in this nation, but throughout the world.”

-Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, Founder of CIGYM program

Looking for an unforgettable and life changing experience of faith, growth, leadership, community, witnessing, and service?

Since 2015, Generation Peace Academy has been successfully paving the way for young missionaries from America to expand True Parents foundation around the world through the USA Cheon Il Guk Missionary Program. USA CIGYM is now offering this opportunity to any Young Adult from the US or abroad, 20-30 years old, to take one semester overseas and experience the transformational power of missionary work!

Witness your own transformation as you invest into the salvation of those beyond your own nation.

Join the global movement to empower the youth of each nation to substantially contribute to the building of Cheon Il Guk!

Apply Now and let’s bring hope to the world together!

Or for more information contact us below.

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