We’re back! After being home for 5 months due to quarantine and COVID-19, both new and returning missionaries reunited on July 5th, 2020 in Texas. The missionaries embarked their summer training with a powerful start reuniting with old friends and making stronger bonds. They received amazing guidances and lectures from our staff. This year we have many new additions to our staff members! This year will be different and an amazing roller coaster ride.

After a short two day workshop, they went on to their first fundraising condition of this year! Fundraising isn’t the same when following the Covid-19 regulations. However, the spirit and love of fundraising is the same!

In total, there are 34 participants both 2nd and 1st year missionaries.



These amazing 4 children of God are our staff! The new addition to our staff is the most left, Akira Watanabe. He is the new CIG missionary director.