New Faces, New Experiences, and a New Team of CIGs!

With every midsummer, we welcome new adventures, warm sun, aaaaaanndd a brand-new batch of young adult CIG missionaries! 2021-2022 has been our most ambitious year yet. Despite the hindrances of the worldwide pandemic, CIG participants are working hard to inherit a heavenly culture of commitment, action, and ownership over their mission. Innovative training courses, creative team building, and overseas travel await the program, ranging from the busy streets in College Park, Maryland to San Francisco, California, and a handful of possible mission countries. Summer training offered a variety of experiences from our eager 2nd year participant team and our resilient 3rd year participants. Every week presented a different challenge for our members. Our third years began their training in the mountainous peaks of the Adirondacks in the bustling state of New York.

Known as “adventure training,” our third years spent 7 days in the picturesque forests of the Adirondacks, coming closer to God through creation, followed up by a week of “pioneering” experience. “Pioneering” entails becoming catalysts of service projects, witnessing, and social events in any given city.


Our third years spent this time located in the DMV (D.C., Maryland, and Virginia) area, staying in Manassas, VA, Washington D.C., Alexandria, VA, Annapolis, MD, and Arlington, VA. Following this, our participants joined an in-depth, 7 day Divine Principle seminar retreat, deepening our understanding of universal values and the detailed explanations of God’s continuous hope to develop and advance human affairs to establish one heavenly unified world. Lastly, our third years tackled the challenges of “witnessing boot camp” which, despite the arduous physical and spiritual activities, bore positive and impactful results to the community of Adelphi, MD. At this point, you may be asking, “Well, what were the second-years up to?” Let's talk about it! Our second-year CIGs spent this summer training period enthusiastically working on their relationship with God through fundraising training, pioneering experience, and also joining in on the Divine Principle seminar. Pioneering brought our second years to both Arlington, VA and Alexandria, VA with an outing to the D.C. area.

Fundraising is a way we can both financially support our program, while also working on our commitments to God and character building goals such as “be sincere,” “be patient,” “see from God’s perspective,” etc. So if you are interested in supporting this ministry, please visit our donate button located in the drop-down menu! Continuing on in this year, our second year participants and third year members have reunited for an exciting 5-week project with our sister program CARP (Collegiate Association for the Research of Principle) which tackles the mission of changing the college campus culture to one of “living for the sake of others” and a “culture of heart” inherited from the teachings of our Rev. and Mrs. Moon, embodying God’s heart of purity, absoluteness, and harmony. Our members have joined the ranks of CARP DMV located in Adelphi, MD, CARP Dallas in Dallas, TX, CARP Vegas in Las Vegas, NV, and CARP Bay Area in San Francisco, CA. Exciting things are happening, so be sure to stay tuned for our updates on our missionaries’ community activities and events coming every Wednesday! Thank you for reading and welcome to the 7th batch of Cheon Il Guk youth missionaries!